New Life In A New Town

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I know it’s been about a million years since I’ve updated this thing, but when I’m signed onto my school email in Gmail it won’t let me go to the blogger website. It’s really annoying.

It's been an eventful week already. I just moved in yesterday morning and was completely unpacked by 1:00. Having to carry up all my stuff up from the pit parking lot and then up three flights of stairs was incredibly horrible. Apparently all the muscle in my arms turned to fat over the summer and they were of absolutely no help yesterday. I was shaking and sweating so badly. I saw a lot of the people I had creeped on/talked to on Facebook, but the only person I really talked to yesterday was my RA Abby. She’s a sophomore also and really cool. I ending up getting really bored waiting for my roommate, Erica, to show up especially after my parents left. She didn't show until around 5. It was just me and her having to get her stuff upstairs. We did it in one trip. Definitely a lighter packer than I am. After that we went to dinner downstairs together (it was delicious!). Then Erica went to her yoga class and I struggled to stay awake. At around 9:30 we headed down to the ballroom and watched This Means War with some of the girls living in the house. It wasn’t a very good movie. Except for the fact that Tom Hardy is freakishly gorgeous and perfect and I might be a little obsessed with him… After the movie I crashed and was out like a light by midnight. Erica went drinking with some of her friends at like 11:30. I have no idea when she got back. I left my bedside light on for her so she wouldn’t have to stumble around when she got home, but she never turned it off so it was on all night. Whoops.

Then today, we were up and ready for the day at a little before 9 and so we went down and got breakfast together. Then I was planning on going to go with Abby and some other girls on our hall to the bookstore and pharmacy on the Drag (where all the cool restaurants and shops on one block from campus and my dorm) but at 9:30 when we were supposed to meet up Abby was nowhere to be found! I went to her room but the door was closed so I went downstairs to see if she was in the main office or the living room but she wasn’t so I went back up to my room and saw that her door was now wide open! The house is so big that we never even crossed paths.

So since I didn’t get to go to the bookstore with everyone, Erica and I got really bored and so she decided to show me around campus since I've never had a proper tour. Before now it has just been me and Google maps struggling not to look completely lost when I was in Austin for orientation a couple months ago. We ended up walking through the middle of campus and then veered off to go to the Drag. I needed to go to the bookstore because I got an email from my English professor this morning saying I needed to get an iClicker (a high-techy remote that you can use for different classes to take pop quizzes, polls, and take attendance) for the class. So we went and got that done and taken care of. Then we went to a frozen yogurt bar that Erica loves and it was really adorable, I honestly have never seen so much candy in my entire life and it was also cheap (always a plus)! After that we just kept wandering around. Erica also took me to the Union and down to the basement where you can play pool and there is a huge bowling alley. It was really cool. We were also sort of looking for jobs along the way since we both need to get on that! In total we walked probably 3 miles and now she's about to go to the gym. These past two days have been the most active I have been in a long time. My roommate is going to be great motivation for me to get back into shape! It’s kind of ridiculous how sore my arms are today. And my legs probably will be tomorrow.

Hopefully soon I will make more friends, but it kind of seems like everyone is already friends and they are all off doing their own stuff.