Saturday, June 30th

Saturday, June 30, 2012
So much has been going on lately I just haven't been able to keep up! I was trying to change the layout and template of my other blog, but with my limited knowledge of HTML and all that I ended up breaking the whole page. Oops! I then tried to be more careful with this one but I was still unsuccessful in changing the template so I will probably continue to mess around with it until I really like it. I might even change the web address name if I can think of something better. All the good ones are taken though!
What has been going on with me lately is that I started my nanny job and that has been going great. The kids are adorable and really well behaved so it is just a lot of fun and not as exhausting like my last nanny gig was! Plus I only work 2 days a week which is nice. My whole summer isn't being taken away but I'm still getting paid more if I had a more normal job.
About a week ago I got a new laptop which is why it was hard for me to update because transferring everything from my old laptop to the new one was just a huge pain in the butt.
Then, I went to my transfer orientation in Austin last week to get ready for the upcoming year. It just made me that much more excited to move there in 52 days!!
And yesterday I was interviewed for a dog walking job and ended up getting the job! I started this morning and this particular gig will go until the 4th but I hope to continue doing some of the odd jobs until I go back to school in the fall. I really just want to be able to make the most money I can this summer so I don't have to worry a out that and having to work all the time when I just want to be worrying about school. I also didn't receive any financial aid this year which is always rough. Plus studying abroad next summer is extremely expensive.
I'm planning on making a few separate posts from this one later today and tomorrow with a more detailed description of what I have been up to and even some pictures!

Thursday, June 28th

Thursday, June 28, 2012
The name is Courtney. Nickname = Court
I'm a mutt. A mix of English, Irish, Norwegian, and Austrian. So yes I am super pale. I have a major Vitamin D deficiency that gives me intense headaches...
I'm 19. I act like I'm 30.
Texas born and bred.
I am an extremely sarcastic person. It's just my personality I can't help it... Practically everything I say I am joking about. I don't like to be serious ever.
I think I'm funny, but I'm really not...
I got really sick my senior year of high school. I currently have symptomatic non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease. And I no longer have my gallbladder which helped my erosive esophagitis.
Then last year in my first year of college I started having ocular migraines. Not sure what's going on there but I will probably have to have an MRI at some point to rule out anything.
I'm pretty liberal and I stuck out like a sore thumb during my first year of college in Tyler, Texas.
I love to write and read and watch television (primarily British) and listen to music.
I'm a full fledged Anglophile!
I will be attending the University of Texas in Austin in exactly 61 days...I'm just a little excited!!!!
I will technically not have a declared major at first but I already know what I want to do. Second semester I will attempt to transfer into the college of Fine Arts and change my major to Art History.
When I 'grow up' I want to be a conservator in a museum (which means restoring old paintings to bring them back to their original beauty) My dream would be to work at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. or at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. I have never been to either. I don't get out much.
I am a Nanny for a couple days a week to two adorable kids (ages 8 and 10)

But really the plan for this blog is for me to rant and rave about my life as a summer nanny, as a transfer student, my life living in Austin, and then for my plans for next summer.

Next summer I will be studying abroad in Europe for 5 weeks. The trip starts out in Amsterdam and I will stay there for 6 days. For a couple of those days the students are allowed to pack up and go wherever they want. My plan is to fly to Rome then back to Amsterdam. The next cities are Berlin, Paris, then London.
I have always wanted travel all over the world and I feel so lucky to have this dream of mine come true!
More to come later!