Transfer Orientation

Sunday, July 8, 2012
I spent three full days in Austin for my transfer orientation. It was definitely an adventure! It takes a little less than 4 hours to drive from Dallas to Austin and we were almost 2 hours in and my dad called and said that I had dropped my credit, debit, and drivers licence on the driveway! So I illegal drove for 2 hours! Oops! So we had to turn around and and meet my dad halfway because I couldn't sign in for orientation without some form of I.D. It ended up taking us 5 hours to get to Austin! Which was annoying but it could have been so much worse!

This trip was the longest I had ever spent there. I also had the opportunity to stay in the house that I will be living in next year which was so great!

Here's some pictures of my dorm! It opened in 1921!
The Ballroom:
The formal living room:

And last but not least, the pool!
I even sneaked up to the third floor and got to see me and my roommate Erika's room! (they were painting and getting everything ready for next year that's why it looks like a mess)

The corner closet is so huge! But it does make the rest of the room feel tiny!
Our view!
On Monday the actually orientation started and it was ridiculously hot! On the first day I have to walk 1 mile to sign in then 10 minutes I had to walk straight back to the dorm. I thought that I was going to die of heat stroke. Plus the vending machine at the dorm was out of water! I came back and laid in bed with the fan on full blast in the dark for like 20 minutes and then finally found some water and I was fine.
Here are some more random pictures I took!

I was there on Monday and Tuesday!
The heat index was like 140. I swear!

Schedule of events!

There is a wall by the Tower that is covered in carvings.

This is 5 days before I was born!

This bike...bent wheel and no seat.

The Tower!

On the drive back to Dallas!

And even though I had never really walked around on campus I never I got (too) lost! Thank goodness for Google maps! Plus there was always like 40 other people walking around who looked incredibly lost so we just sort of teamed up and figured out where we needed to be. It was really annoying that none of the buildings have names on them! And part of the campus are closed off to cars during the day so my mom couldn't figure out where to pick me up at the end of the first day!
On the second day I had to register for classes which was a pain because Transfer students have to register so late compared to everyone else so all the classes are already full. I didn't get like any of the classes that I wanted and my schedule is all wonky. I have French everyday from 4:00-4:50. That just isn't going to work for me if I want to get a job. Or go home ever. Hopefully some other classes will open up so I can change it. And my Art History class that I have to take in order to transfer internally into the College of Fine Arts are full so I am wait listed. I was 4 out of 4 but now I am 3 out of 5. So that seems to be a move in the right direction.
Everyone that I met was so nice and it was just a completely different experience than the one I had in Tyler. It just made me that much more excited to get there in the fall!

Our drive through Dallas!

Adventures in Nannying

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
I've been a nanny for about a month now! It's so much fun and really just the greatest summer job. I don't feel as though my summer is being drained away by me working all the time. Having this job forces me to wake up at a reasonable hour and actually get out to bed. It also makes it feel like time is going by faster which I like because I am so ready to go back to school!

Here are some pictures of me and the kids having fun!

Television hypnotizes kids

They built a fort out of pool toys so I couldn't see them. They love me I swear!

Fun times in the pool!

I don't know what this is, but I approve! \m/

Showing off his dives!

First official day of summer!

Doing handstands! (My favorite thing to do in the pool also!)

Just casually watching television!

I mean't to post this like a week ago, but trying to post pictures on this site is a major pain!